Entries by billywright

How many people will you kill?

We’re all on lockdown at the moment here in the UK. Following in the footsteps of Italy, Spain and France. Though it may seem like it’s nothing to go out and live life as you normally would. You could be putting a silly amount of people at risk. So website How many people will you […]

Houseparty App

Houseparty the biggest app right now during lockdown. Available on Android, iOS, iPad OS and macOS, the face to face social network focuses on video chats, quizzes and games to bring people together. Which is perfect when we can’t be together physically. Houseparty has been around since 2016, but has surged in popularity during being […]

Amazon shipping only essential products in Italy and France

Amazon has temporarily stopped taking orders on non essential products on it’s Italian and French sites. This in an effort to stop the spread and contain the novel coronavirus. “As customers use e-commerce to support their social distancing efforts, we too have implemented social distancing guidance within our fulfillment centers to keep our employees safe […]

How long will your toilet paper last?

There’s a toilet paper calculator to help you know how long you’ve got left based on the amount of rolls you have and the number of toilet visits you take per day. It’s called How Much Toilet Paper?! So helping during the time where people panic buy outrageous amounts of toilet paper. We love talking […]

Twitter Fake Tweets Removed!

Twitter are cracking down on fake tweets during the coronavirus outbreak. Tweets with promote fake treatments or deny expert guidance will be marked as harmful. Then removed. Content like this could place people at a high risk and contravene it’s safety rules Furthermore this could include claims that specific groups are more susceptible of contracting […]

Facebook / Instagram lower video quality in EU!

Following YouTube and Netflix’s decisoin to lower video quality to help European networks deal with demand, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Facebook and Instagram will also temporarily reduce video bitrates in Europe. Therefore helping to handle “bandwidth constraints” and keep people in touch. The sheer audience sizes of Facebook and Instagram could cause additional strain of […]

YouTube cuts videos to lower quality during Coronavirus

YouTube are following in the footsteps of Netflix and will begin capping its data flow during the coronavirus pandemic. YouTube will being limiting all European streams to standard definition to manage the load on it’s network. This is following advice from the EU Internal Market Commisson. Which was that everyone should limit their streams to […]

Disney+ Launch Day! All you need to know….

First of all, Disney+ is amazing! So, the moment we’ve all been waiting for his finally here! Disney+ has launched featuring a variety of feature length films, documentaries live action and animated series and short form content! Furthermore we also get to watch Disney’s incredible library of film and television content. Hint: It’s ALOT of […]

Zoom Q2n-4K

We recently had James Haskell on the show and he told us about an amazing piece of kit! The Zoom Q2n-4k! It combines unrivaled audio with crisp 4K imaging making for an amazing little device! Revolutionising rehearsals, performances and live streams! You can capture a full band, or a solo act or anything you want […]