attack on titan

Attack on Titan

If you don’t know what Attack on Titan is, it is a Japanese manga, anime, post-apocalyptic, dark fantasy series.

A walled city is attacked by strange looking giants, what do they want? who are they?


To hear the guys chatting about this please click here!

To buy the first season of Attack of Titan click here!

To buy A.O.T: Wings of Freedom on PS4 click here!


Instagram Mental Health

A new report suggests that Instagram is now ranked as having the most detrimental effect on young people’s mental health.

“Instagram ranked as having the worst effect on young people’s mental health”

Young people aged between 14-24 find social media impacts a number of health and wellbeing issues. These include depression, anxiety, loneliness, sleep deprivation and bullying.

Instagram, the photo sharing platform, harms young peoples perceptions of body image and also increases their ‘fear of missing out’ (or FoMo).

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Facebook Instagram Notifications

Facebook and Facebook Messenger have a special button which allows users to switch between the two apps. The social networking platform is trialling a new feature. This will allow users to switch quickly between not only those to apps but also Instagram.

The feature is basically an extension, in the top right corner of the Messenger app. The trial will display a pop-up menu with all unread notifications across the three platforms.

Facebook, Messenger, Instagram pop-up menu

Facebook, Messenger & Instagram pop-up menu

To hear the guys chatting about this please click here!

Download Facebook Messenger on iPhone and Android!

Download Instagram on iPhone and Android!


the hipster ladybird book

The Ladybird Book of The Hipster

In the mood for a laugh, well these books are the perfect read to put a smile on your face.

The children’s publisher, Ladybird brings top-selling humorous books for adults, explaining the modern world in an eight part series.

The Ladybird Books

The Ladybird Books

This particular book is brilliantly funny, providing a section of photos and a careful choice of words, describing the modern day ‘Hipster’ and their ‘edgy’ ways.


To hear the guys chatting about this please click here!

To buy The Hipster book click here!

the surge

The Surge

The Surge is a hardcore, challenging, visceral melee combat RPG, action game, set in a world devoted by war and global warming.

The game features fighting, looting and crafting mechanics alongside a unique character progression system.

Carefully study your enemies, their attack patterns and weaknesses and defeat them! In this game you can focus on certain body parts of your enemy.


The Surge is available to buy on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

To hear the guys chatting about this please click here!

the sims

Free Sims for Android and Apple

The Sims is coming to iOS and Android FINALLY, and its going to be free! Yes, you read that correct… FREE!!!!!

We have all been waiting some time for this to happen, 17 years to be precise, but it’s better late than never.

The app is going to be called The Sims Mobile, and will be a free download and it will work with both Apple and Android devices.

Just like the original PC game, you will be able to create your own Sims, build their homes and run their lives socially.

There will even be a social feature where you can connect with friends!!!

To hear the guys chatting about this please click here!

Download The Sims app on Apple and Android!



Dobble Card Game

Dobble is a game of speed, observation and reflexes. It is basically a new and improved version of snap.

You are given 55 cards and every card has only 1 matching imagine.

The aim of the game is to race against your opponent and find the one matching image before they do.

Simple, easy and fun.


To hear the guys chatting about this please click here!

To buy Dobble click here!

google assist

Google Assist on iPhone

When you compare it to Siri, Google Assist is said to be a more powerful voice assistant. It allows you to ask more complicated questions and it has third-party integrations. Also, it allows you to control your connected devices due to the company having new partnerships with third-party companies.

Also, you can now type your questions as well as speaking out loud, this can be useful when you’re out in public, or you do not want to disturb anyone around you!


To hear the guys chatting about this please click here!

Injustice 2

Injustice 2

Super-powered sequel to the hit game Injustice: Gods Among Us, Injustice 2 is now available to buy! This game allows players to build and power up the ultimate version of their favourite DC characters!

As you play the game you earn, players can personalise a huge selection of iconic DC characters in crazy gear.

Gamers, for the first time, can also not only manipulate the way their characters look but also how they fight.

To hear the guys chatting about this please click here! 

Injustice 2 is available to purchase on PS4 and Xbox One.



NHS Hack Resolved

Who is this man? how did he do it? Well, Marcus Hutchins, 22, is a self-taught computer wiz, who works in cyber security. Accidentally, he saved the world from one of the most destructive cyber attacks in history!

‘The man who accidentally saved the world from the NHS Cyber Attack’

He found a “kill switch’ in the WannaCry malware that was spreading like a plague across the internet. While attempting to understand the malware, he came across a vulnerability, which brought hospitals around England to a standstill. It appeared to be referencing a URL where there wasn’t a website. This guy basically killed the ransomware by simply buying and using this URL.

Mr Hutchins, helped put a stop to an attack that was spreading all over the world, reaching huge numbers of computers in almost every country.

Well hey, not all super heros wear capes!

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