Tips to Ride a Motorcycle in the Mountains

Riding a motorcycle in the mountains is more challenging than on a flat surface. Compared to flat surfaces where you ride, turn, and brake usually, riding in the mountains is more strenuous and requires special skills.


One critical skill you need to ride in mountainous areas is the proper use of brakes. Your tires’ type and condition are significant determinants of how far and fast you scale or descend a mountain.


For a successful and adventurous trip to the mountains, it is good to ensure your motorbike is in good condition. This includes having the right tires to withstand harsh conditions in the mountain.


For instance, Kenda motorcycle tires scale the highest mountains and penetrate the most stringent train.


Below are tips that you can follow to have a safe and successful ride in the mountains. Read on.


Prepare the Body and the Mind


Conditions in the mountains are severe; hence you need to prepare both physically and psychologically. Whether you are mountaineering as a sport or for fun, just having a powerful engine full of gas may not be enough to take you to the top.


Take time to train and acquaint your body with the harsh mountain conditions. Also, you need to develop a strong back, core, legs, and shoulders. You can take time in the mountains to psych yourself out mentally. Take note of potential dangers and challenges to overcome.


Remain in Touch With Your Team Members


A mountain ride brings more adventure when done in a group rather than doing it solo. Several bikers ride alone for adventure. However, if riding in a group, ensure you have the right communication tools to keep you connected to your fellow riders.


Prepare for Low Air Pressure and Altitude Sickness


If you live in lowland areas and travel to high altitudes of 8,000 feet and above, you are at high risk of suffering altitude sickness due to air pressure changes. Symptoms include headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, and rapid heart rate. Carry the right medicine in your first aid kit in case of any of these reactions.


Map Out Your Route Beforehand


Being a complex, challenging, and potentially new ride, it is good to take time and get used to the route before you kick-off. This way, you will feel confident during the actual ride. Studying the route may mean taking a ride through the actual route or merely taking time to study the maps.

Have the Bike in the Right Conditions and Well Inspected


It can be an awful experience when your bike breaks down halfway into the journey. It is good to check and do repairs on your bike before you take off. Check all components of the brakes, including brake fluids, lines, and rotors. Also, check tire pressure and look out for any punctures or cracks on the tires.


Go Slow and Steady


Climbing up the mountain is demanding, challenging, and requires special skills and tricks. However, the bottom line is maintaining low speed and proceeding steadily. In the mountains, riding recklessly or going too fast may cost your life or leave you with lifetime injuries.


The above tips can only be useful if you follow them accordingly. Ensure that you prioritize your health before anything else by preparing yourself physically and mentally. The other tips can follow suit.