Tag Archive for: Apple

Nokia – You Lose!

Credit: Hobi.com

Credit: Hobi.com


Everyone’s first love soon comes to an end. *Most of the time*

After Nokia (who used to be the BIGGEST DOG IN THE PARK, everyone knew what the nokia ringtone was, everyone had a Nokia, didnt matter what style it was, everyone had a Nokia) got bought out by Microsoft their CEO said this:

“we didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost”

They didnt actually do anything wrong in business but they didnt change in a very quick changing world, when they should have done, were too slow to the punch and got piped by Blackberry who then got piped Apple.  – It seems clear if you don’t change you will lose!

Disney Magic Kingdoms – Available NOW!


The newest way to keep your nieces’, nephews’ and offspring quiet, Disney Magic Kingdoms, from Gameloft is out NOW. The game, for smartphones and tablets, allows players to build their very own Disney Parks, excluding the painful waiting in queue’s all day.

Available for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Android and Windows Phone. Players will live the thrill of their favorite Disney Park by embarking on a new adventure with Mickey Mouse and all his friends, as they endeavor on a mighty quest to restore the kingdom’s magic from evil powers.

Just don’t complain when you inevitably want a go and get caught playing the “kids toy” by the Mrs’ – “I was just helping” doesn’t count anymore.

IOS download: Here

Android download: Here