Tag Archive for: editing


Selfie Editing: The most popular apps for Brits!

Us Brits like to edit our photos. With just 29% of us posting a photo online without editing it. While London is the capital for those who edit their photos, with 81% of Londoners opting to not post a photo without touching it up. While Scotland has a slightly less number with 81% of people editing photos before uploading them. 35% of people touch up their bums in photos before posting them and 33% edit their lips. Furthermore 78% of us prefer using the editing features on Instagram, with Facetune coming in 2nd at 71%. That’s a LOT of selfie editing!


In 2014 Google Analytics found out that we take around 93 million selfies per day. While there isn’t a study to find out how many we take in 2020, it most likely is going to be more.

However, taking the selfie is just the beginning of social media activity. As there is now selfie editing. Case24.com conducted a study that only 29% of Brits would post a picture without editing it.

Case24’s study analysed the editing habits of us before uploading, they asked 3,064 peopel in the UK whether they post an unedited photo of themselves. The results found which areas in the UK where people are more likely to share unedited pictures of themselves online.

Which areas?

There are actually some areas in the UK where people don’t post completely natural photos. The area where this is most likely to happen, (81%) is London. With Scotland (77%) coming in at second, with the North West of the country where only 25% of people would post an unedited photo coming in third.

Yet the North East as a high percentage of people who would feel comfortable posting an unedited photo online (45%). People from the South West don’t edit as much either (41%) and would post an unedited photo.

Which part of the Selfie do we edit the most?

Furthermore, Case24.com found out which body parts Brits edit the most. 54% of those surveyed liked changing imperfections on their skin. Face Shape (47%) is also another area that we like to edit. Saying they edit details like a sharper jawline or higher cheeks.

46% say they don’t like their arms and eyes also (42%) are edited a lot. 35% of people edit their bums and 33% edit their lips. While 24% of people edit their legs.

Which Selfie Apps do we use?

78% of those surveyed like to use the editing features built into Instagram before sharing a pic online. With Facetune coming in, in 2nd place (71%) to edit their selfies. With data from the Guardian showing that the app was downloaded 20M times in 2018! While VSCO, Layout, Photo Editor and Paintshop Pro were also some of the apps used by over 50% of the respondents.

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New Mac Pro

The NEW Mac Pro – Apple gives us what we want!

The Mac Pro has finally arrived and despite the mammoth computing company getting a roasting online for it’s cheese grater look. It’s the insides that make all the difference. It’s the Mac Pro we’ve all been waiting for. The interior is structured for modularity, designed to be upgraded any time a consumer wants. Bringing with it huge flexibility in terms of how much power a consumer wants and needs at the time of purchase. While still being able to upgrade if they needed to going forward.

28 Cores. That’s what the Mac Pro will be capable of. 28cores of new Intel Xeon Processors. It’s going to be powered by 300W and heavy duty cooling. Therefore allowing it to be fun to it’s fullest capabilities at all times, without the worry of it over heating. Not too sure if I’d want to do that for too long though! Maximum RAM is a HUGE one and something that we are very very impressed by, it’s a number we didn’t even think was possible too! So, what is it? 1.5TB of RAM. Yes you read that correctly. 1.5 TERABYTES! It’s able to do this with six-channel memory across 12 DIMM slots.

Furthermore there are 8 PCI Express slots, while 4 of them are double wide to allow larger expansion cards. Other connectivity features are 2 USB-C / Thunderbolt 3 slots. There are also 2 USB-A slots on the rear and 2 USB C /Thunderbolt 3 slots on the top of the machine.

While that’s not all either! Apple are launching a custom expansion module. They’re calling it an MPX Module. So, you connect it via a dedicated Thunderbolt 3 slot, which Apple have built into the motherboard. Consequently this delivers additional power and high spped connectivity to components.

So what is a MPX Module?

The MPX Module is a giant quad-wide PCIe card which houses 2 graphics cards. It has it’s own dedicated heat sink and has a custom Thunderbolt connector to hook into the computer. So, this isn’t some ProSumer device. This device is built for your production houses, but it pays to dream! Don’t believe us? Well Apple will also sell an optional “Afterburner” dedicated video editing card. This video editing card uses FPGA to process up to 6billion pixels per second. Again. This device is a beast.

The power supply maxes out at 1.4kw. There’s 3 large fans at the front which sit behind an aluminium grille. This will provide air to the components and the sysyem at a rate of 300cubic feet per minute. Worried it is going to sound like it’s going to take off? Apple says the device remains quiet. Impressive.

Apple also sell the Mac Pro with optional wheels, if you want to move it easily.

Releasing this autumn it comes with a hefty price tag. $5,999. That’s a base line. So the maxed out device could be astronomical! Base model is a 32GB of memory, an octa-core Intel Xeon CPU, Radeon Pro 580X graphics card and 256GB SSD.

Apple also announced a high grade monitor too, a 32-inch 6K Pro Display XDR, which is priced at $4999. It comes without a stand though, which is priced at $999.

So taking all that into account. We can but dream about these devices. Production Houses, you’re being spoilt. They look sooooo goood!

(The Verge)

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