Tag Archive for: horror

Resident Evil 3 Remake Review – Is it worth an hour?

Resident Evil 3 Remake Review: Is it worth an hour?

This is our Resident Evil 3 Remake Review. Is it worth an hour of your time?The survival horror game is back 14 months after the incredible Resident Evil 2 Remake was released, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis has been remade. Titled Simply Resident Evil 3.

Posted by How To Kill an Hour on Saturday, 4 April 2020

Resident Evil is back 14 months after the incredible Resident Evil 2 Remake was released, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis has been remade. Titled Simply Resident Evil 3. This is our Resident Evil 3 Remake Review. Is it worth an hour of your time?


The game is set in the same universe as Resident Evil 2, set in the American Midwest in a place called Raccoon City, the city is over run by a biological threat. The T-Virus. However Resident Evil 3 illustrates the outbreak and conclusion of the incident.

You take control of Jill Valentine a member of a specialist squad of the police force known as STARS. STARS are tasked of investigating a pharmaceutical company called Umbrella. They’ve determined that the T-Virus is a biological weapon and Umbrella are behind it all. Losing several team members in the process.

It is up to Jill and other remaining members of STARS to get this truth out in to the world. Though the police department are found to be under Umbrella’s sway. Making this task almost impossible.  Especially since she is constantly chased by a monster zombie which has been dispatched to stop her, called the Nemesis T-Type.

Resident Evil 3 is a survival horror which will have you constantly in fear and relentlessly chased by the undead horde. The city is in ruins and there’s chaos everywhere.

But is it worth an hour of your time? Sit back and read/watch the Resident Evil 3 Remake review!

Well sit back, grab some popcorn and find out our thoughts on the latest Zombie game from Capcom.

Like a Movie

I’d like to firstly say that this game is just like a movie. The pacing of the story is great, the mix between gameplay and cutscenes is seamless, you really get a feel and relationship with Jill and Carlos.

From the very start you know you’re in a terrible, apocalyptic like pandemic. You can feel the urgency in the air, you can feel the unease. You are thrust straight into he action. Which is what Resident Evil 3: Nemesis was all about. It’s very much apparent in the remake. Action Action Action.

Which brings me on to horror.




This game makes you feel always on edge. Especially if you play in 5.1 surround sound. You hear everything, from a window being smashed to a bin being knocked over. You’ll find yourself looking over your shoulder in real life.

You’ll hear creepy knocks and creaks…then all of a sudden it goes quiet for no reason whatsoever. Sometimes something happens. Sometimes, nothing happens. That’s how tense this game is.

The music plays a major role in this, as it will just come into play, which makes you realise something is about to happen, you know something is around the corner but you just don’t want to go around. You have to though!

That’s the sign of an immersive game.

The REAL horror comes not from the Zombies themselves as they’re not overly scary. But the fright. The not knowing what’s going to happen next. Then BOOM. Something happens and you’ve gone from 0-100 real quick.

So PAY ATTENTION and don’t take your eyes off the ball because there will be JUMP scares. Even when you least expect it.


The zombies aren’t overly scary but they look for lack of a better term. “Real”

They are however persistent and will stop at nothing to get you. Even when you think you have killed them you haven’t.

There was often times where I thought I had cleared a room, to then be pounced upon by a Zombie I thought I had eliminated. Remember to make sure you kill them. Give them an extra shot or two. Won’t hurt. Remember the undead can’t really die.

That’s what I loved most about the Zombies, some of them are a real challenge to defeat.




The Puzzles are back and they are fantastic. We cannot give too much away as we want to leave an air of mystery around them, as it’s much more enjoyable to find things out on your own than to be told how to do things.

But whilst you are scavenging. A vital part of the game. You’ll find various notes which will give you clues on how to complete puzzles or find certain collectables that you need to advance in the game

Don’t go flicking through the pages and not reading them. You HAVE to read them if you want to get anywhere fast in the game.

Don’t be the type to go back into the menu and re-read things that you should’ve read the first time around.

They’re there for a reason. They’re there to help you.

I loved this about Resident Evil 3. It gives it a much longer play time as for me anyway it made me want to explore the whole lot. I wanted to find out everything and get as much info about the area or level as I can.

Doing so allowed me to get added extras that made my life easier. So go scavenge at your heart’s content and make the game easier for yourself! Thank me later!

Overall Thoughts

Overall this game is fantastic and one that I can see myself coming back to again and again. Especially since I missed things in certain areas of the game that I wanted to go back and explore. There’s also Resident Evil Resistance to get your teeth stuck into. Various collectables to go back and collect. If you love Resident Evil you’ll enjoy this addition to the franchise. Pick it up. You won’t regret it. It’s definitely worth an hour of your time. More than hour in fact.

Purchase Resident Evil 3 Remake here!

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Resident Evil 3 Remake: Top 7 Tips For Beginners

Resident Evil 3 Remake: Top 7 Tips For Beginners!

The Resident Evil 3 remake is finally here, but is it better than the original? Check out our Top 7 Reasons as to why the remake IS better!

Posted by How To Kill an Hour on Saturday, 4 April 2020

Resident Evil 3 Remake: The top 7 tips for all you beginners out there to the franchise! Resident Evil is back 14 months after the incredible Resident Evil 2 Remake was released, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis has been remade. Titled Simply Resident Evil 3.  The game is set in the same universe as Resident Evil 2, set in the American Midwest in a place called Raccoon City, the city is over run by a biological threat. The T-Virus. However Resident Evil 3 illustrates the outbreak and conclusion of the incident.

You take control of Jill Valentine a member of a specialist squad of the police force known as STARS. STARS are tasked of investigating a pharmaceutical company called Umbrella. They’ve determined that the T-Virus is a biological weapon and Umbrella are behind it all. Losing several team members in the process. It is up to Jill and other remaining members of STARS to get this truth out in to the world. Though the police department are found to be under Umbrella’s sway. Making this task almost impossible.  Especially since she is constantly chased by a monster zombie which has been dispatched to stop her, called the Nemesis T-Type.

Resident Evil 3 is a survival horror which will have you constantly in fear and relentlessly chased by the undead horde. The city is in ruins and there’s chaos everywhere.

Now the backstory is out of the way it’s time to dive into the Top 7 Tips for Beginners to Resident Evil:

Resident Evil 3 Remake Tips #1

For newcomers to the series there’s an element to the game that is almost mandatory. You HAVE to scavenge and take your time.

You can speed run, but I suggest you play the game first and take it ALL in because not only is this game worth it but the perks of scavenging are there.

Look around on desks, use your flashlight to find things. You’ll never know what you’ll find which may come in useful later on down the line. Such as gunpowder to make ammo or green herb to give you health.

Notes and pieces of paper are VITAL in this game. Don’t just pick up a piece of paper and flick through it. There WILL be clues to help you proceed on to the next part of the game. I cannot show you explicit examples as that would be cheating. But trust me. You WILL need to read the notes left around the city.

Resident Evil 3 Remake Tips #2

This game is scary. Not hide behind the pillow kind of scary but this is poop your pants scary. You’ll often find yourself swearing at the telly, because your being chased by a big ass rodent and you have no ammo left and you’re low on health and you cannot see where you’re going.

It’s a real adrenaline boost especially during jump scares and there’s a lot. You’ll often find yourself going. OH MY GOD! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM? or WHAT I THOUGHT I KILLED YOUR ASS! – Yes you got to make sure the Zombie is dead as sometimes you think there dead. Then boom. You’re zombie food.

So utilise headshots and look at your downed Zombies. Make sure they’re dead. Otherwise it will come to bite you in the ass.

Resident Evil 3 Remake Tips #3

Following on from the last two points. Resident Evil 3 is DARK. Very DARK. It’s designed to act like a horror movie. It’s designed to make you jump.

The game is designed in this way to make you feel scared, it’s forcing you to scavenge and pay attention to what’s around you. 

So please don’t go cheating and turning up the brightness in the game. It just ruins the fun for both you and the game.

Like your parents used to say if you’re not going to play properly, don’t play at all. So play it in the dark. Literally, play it in the dark, at night, curtains drawn. 5.1 surround sound and turned up LOUD. Thank me later. 

You’re just a beginner but, you want to experience it the right way.

Resident Evil 3 Remake Tips #4
Play in 5.1 Surround Sound

Which leads me perfectly on to point number 4.

I suggest you play in 5.1 surround sound, if you can, to make the most of things. The game is so much more enjoyable.

It makes the game that much more jumpy, you feel your heart start to bump faster, the creepy music sets in and you know something is around the corner but you don’t want to go round there, but you have to, but you don’t wanna get scared.

That’s the sign of an immersive game. You’ll hear everything. The bumps and the cracks in a house, things being knocked over. You’ll hear a distant Zombie eurgh…..

You’ll be IN Racoon City.

Resident Evil 3 Remake Tips #5

As I stated earlier , you’ll have to read, read and read again, these notes help push the story along and help you understand it better. Plus there’s clue’s left in these notes to help you find things.

I’m being cagey because I don’t want to give too much away, this is a game that relies on things not being spoiled. The pay off is better for it.

You don’t even have to know about previous Resident Evil games to play it. Just pay attention to the opening cutscene and you’ll be up to speed.

Also look around and pay attention to what’s around you, there will be things that can help you but you won’t see it unless you stop and look around.

Corners are also something you should keep an eye on. A zombie COULD be waiting for you.

Pay attention to your characters quips, there’ll be tips on how to achieve certain things. Again I know I’m being cagey, I have to. We want you to have as much of an enjoyable experience playing this fantastic game as we did.

Just pay attention to the game. No mobile phone next to you. No twitter, no facebook. Just you and Resident Evil 3.

Resident Evil 3 Remake Tips #6
RPG Elements

You need to combine things. This is kind of like an RPG element to the game, you can combine almost anything in this game.

Again, the game is trying to help you succeed. Before I ever played a Resident Evil game before this did frighten me a little and confuse me.

But it’s simple and the game helps you understand the best way to do things. You can combine health items, gun items and other general items to help you along the way.

There’ll be one thing somewhere and it’s missing something. So you got to go and scavenge and pay attention to the notes and find the other part.

See how all these different elements are combining to help create a lasting game? That’s what makes Resident Evil games so rewarding and replayable. There is so much to do!

Resident Evil 3 Remake Tips #7:
Use Your Map


Use your MAP. It is a godsend.

In Resident Evil 3 the map will help you see things you’ve missed. It will help you scavenge. It even encourages scavenging. The map is shown red if you haven’t looked hard enough for bits. It will show as blue when everything you can pick up has been found.


Things like bits of paper or notes, you’ll have to look for on your own. They don’t affect the map.

So there you have it, I hope you can take these tips and go out there into Racoon City and save mankind.

NOTE: IT IS HARD. Don’t play on hardcore first. Don’t make the same mistake I did you’ll be screaming at the TV for days.

Please, get out there and get saving Racoon City!

Purchase Resident Evil 3 Remake here!

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Resident Evil 3 Remake: Top 7 Reasons why it’s better than the original

Resident Evil 3 Remake: Top 7 Reasons why it's better than the original!

Resident Evil is back 14 months after the incredible Resident Evil 2 Remake was released, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis has been remade. Here are our Top 7 tips for all you beginners out there to the franchise!

Posted by How To Kill an Hour on Saturday, 4 April 2020

The Resident Evil 3 remake is finally here, but is it better than the original? Resident Evil is back 14 months after the incredible Resident Evil 2 Remake was released, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis has been remade. Titled Simply Resident Evil 3.

There are some key changes as it’s important to note that Resident Evil 3 isn’t a shot for shot remake of the original Resident Evil 3: Nemesis game. The game has also pivoted to an over the shoulder look as opposed to a somewhat birds eye view look.

So let’s dive into why the Resident Evil 3 Remake is better than the original.

Added Extras

The Remake isn’t shot for shot rehash of the original, which you’ll be glad to know. There have been added extras to keep you on your toes.

Firstly in the original there were parts in the game where you had to decide on two different options at certain points in the game. This lead to the original having multiple endings. Sure this gives users a repayable option. But in our opinion the remake is better for omitting this.

Why? Well you learn more about the overall story arc. We cannot say much but the way the story is told in the remake allows for a more cohesive, consistent narrative and as a result relate more to the characters and allows you to feel for them more authentically, than if you were to choose their outcome.






This one goes without saying as the original came out over 20 years ago, but the game looks fantastic. No more blockiness!

Gore looks fantastic and the environment looks realistic, for those who have played Resident Evil 2 remake, you’ll feel some familiarity as it was built on the same RE Engine.

It may be a dark game but they do the dark well. There is a depth to what you’re viewing on screen and it’s not just a black wall of nothingness, there is depth and it feels real.

Zombies look for lack of a better term because you know zombies don’t exist. But Zombies look real!

The dodge move is better than evade

The original game had an evade move that was good, but not as good as Dodge.

Dodge is incredible here, it has saved my ass plenty of times.

Dodge a zombie coming to eat your face and you are able to either turn around and shoot their head off, or if you’re in a pinch run away.

There’s also a couple different types of dodge in the remake. A regular ol’ dodge that will just dodge out the way to safety, and a perfect dodge. Simply time it right when a zombie is lunging for you and it will take you juuuust that little bit further away.

Allowing you to get a better shot on or get away that much faster.

Carlos is playable –

Not only is he a playable character, he’ll have more of an impact on the game’s story than he originally did, having undergone a slight makeover for the remake.

Carlos is now a playable character!

Not only that but you’ll get to play a certain part of the game as just him. He’ll play an integral role in the story arc of the game, more so than he did before.

He also looks more of a gritty, military type guy than in the original too.

So, yes, you’ll get to make use of the assault rifle. But don’t get it twisted, this won’t make the game any easier than before.

The Zombies are still gonna eat you. Like we said in the other video, stay safe and pay attention to what’s around you!




Nemesis Upgraded Look and Abilities

Nemesis has been upgraded and boy does he look MEAN!

He’s scarier and a lot bigger than he was in the original game, bringing a much more scarier look to him than he was in the original version of Resident Evil 3

Not only that he also has upgraded looks, we won’t say much because we want it to be a surprise, but he also has upgraded abilities such as using weapons!

Put it this way you are going to be doing a LOT of running!






Racoon City

Racoon City is more explorable and less linear than it’s original.

The overall layout is more or less the same than Resident Evil 3: Nemesis but has an open world feel to it, allowing you, at points to go back and gather up intel or items that you hadn’t before. As you play through the game you’ll realise why this is very very important.

Having the ability to explore more of the city is vital to the game and it could attribute to how easily you can manage to get through certain parts of the game.

That being said Capcom have added some areas of Racoon City which are brand new. As always we’ll let you enjoy the discovery for yourself.


Mercenaries Mode Has Been Dropped for Resistance Mode

Mercenaries mode has been dropped in favour for a brand new mode called Resistance Mode.

In the original Resident Evil 3 once you completed it you could play The Mercenaries: Operation Mad Jackal game mode.

Where you played 3 playable characters to save Racoon city and survive across town.

Resistance is a little similar but different all at the same time, a brand new survival horror mode. Which pits 4 players against 1.

Displayed in a symmetrical view on screen, 4 players are the survivors,  who need to work together to survive.

Each character have their own set of traits and they must work together in tandem to help solve puzzles.

While the 5th player will be the ‘mastermind’ they track the players. It is their job to stop the others from surviving, by summoning traps and other zombies to stop them achieving their goal. The Mastermind can even control the zombies and become a terrifying tyrant! 

The footage you are seeing above is from the trailer as the multiplayer aspect of the game wasn’t available until after release, expect a worth an hour from us on this soon!

So that’s that, are you a Resident Evil veteran and feel the same way, let us know your tips in the comments below! Or think that the original was better, air your thoughts below!

So, what are you waiting for,get saving Racoon City!

Purchase Resident Evil 3 Remake here!

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Zombie Army 4: Dead War Review – Is it worth an hour?

Zombie Army 4: Dead War – Is it worth an hour?

Welcome to How To Kill An Hour, this is Worth An Hour, the show where we take a look at your favourite games and ask are they worth an hour of your time? In this week’s episode we’re taking a look at Rebellion ZombieArmy 4: Dead War!

Posted by How To Kill an Hour on Tuesday, 11 February 2020

In this episode of Worth An Hour we’re taking a look at Zombie Army 4: Dead War!

Hitler’s hordes are back for more in this spine-chilling shooter from the makers of Sniper Elite 4! Abominable occult enemies, epic weapons and a harrowing new campaign for 1-4 players await in 1940s Europe, as you fight to save humankind from undead Armageddon!


First up is the graphics:

This game looks FANTASTIC, the graphics are crisp, beautiful and gritty. The levels look very realistic and really bring a sense of Zombie devastation to life. You can really imagine what it must smell like.

Which brings me on to the blood in this game. There’s lots of it. This game is not for the faint hearted, your innocent grandma or kids. Bodies explode, heads disintegrate and limbs get torn to smithereens.

It’s gorey, sticky and absolutely amazing. Just what you want from a Zombie game.

Sounds Design

The sound design is brilliantly done, each of the guns sound brutal, especially the chain gun, a lot of fun to use mowing down hordes of zombies with that!

Plus the special moves sound even better, such as the slowing down of time to get juuuust the right shot on, really makes you feel as if time is slowing down.

Zombies sound just how you’d expect them too, with an added umph, just to make you feel a little bit uneasy. This is especially true in level 2 with the sacrifice it just sounds scary, makes you feel very uneasy!

The X-Ray sounds are just as gruesome, you hear every flesh wound, every organ squish and every skull crack. You seriously see yourself sitting there going – cooooor in that type of amazement where you don’t wanna watch but you can’t take your eyes off of it.

The character quips in the game are also there, as with many Rebellion games, the voice acting is incredible and there funny one liners are there too! Stand still for too long and the characters will give you a funny quip to get a move on!


Last up is gameplay

Zombie Army 4: Dead War is split up into 3 different modes, campaign, weekly events and horde.


Horde is very very fun, you take on a horde of zombies in waves, and as with many Rebellion games, the level gets bigger as you progress further into the waves, and as you do so, so do the difficulty and the amount of zombies increases.

But what I especially liked is the fact that you have to conserve ammo! There’s ammo crates that you always have to run back to when you run out of ammo, this makes it a little bit more realistic and that much more challenging!

I got to try it in single player mode and multiplayer mode, unfortunately i didn’t get to play it with a full squad as I was playing a review copy of the game but I image how much fun this game will be with 4 people as I really enjoyed it with just 2!


You can upgrade your guns to make taking down the enemies that much easier and there’s special moves which will help you out of a hole if you need it. Such as the brain buster for the pistol. Slow down time, pick your targets and then take them out. These can be upgraded as you progress through the game to kill more enemies.

Or slow down time with a rifle and pick your perfect spot!

Epic Melee’s are LOTS of fun too! These can also be changed, I got to have a go of the machete and electric fist.

Or get Get 10 melee kills and you get something called an epic take down. These are short cut scenes which show BRUTAL takedowns which change depending on what you have in your hand. Stomp on some heads, execute some zombie ass and that’s just two choices!


The game is also very quirky throughout the different levels there’s different little things you can interact with that can make you laugh. Such as using a typewriter, washing your hands, use a vending machine or even play draughts!

X-Ray kills are also back! These kills are epic, if you time things just right, the game will go into a cut scene and follow the bullet into the enemy…..showing you everything! However I managed to shoot someone in the d**k. Twice.

However, on the third attempt I got a head shot!

The Zombies

The zombie’s themselves aren’t no pushover….in a crowd of them anyway….you’ll soon find yourself getting surrounded and eventually dying, so make your shots in a tactical manner! You can run away from them but they’ll always find a way to find you!

The bosses even more so, they just won’t leave you alone! There’s always a specific way to kill a zombie boss, the two I’ve tried, I had to shoot something on their back, and they have heavy guns too. Defeat them. You get the gun. Just got to defeat them first.

Throughout the levels there’s various different tasks you got to complete too, it’s not as simple as going from A to B. Which I love! I had to get fuel for a boat, cogs for a bridge mechanism all the while avoiding getting eaten by Zombies. Did I mention you only get to use your handgun whilst carrying things? – Yeah, that makes it 10 times as harder. Good luck.

Stomping on Zombie corpses allows you to get various different pick ups such as ammo or health, which is vital in this game! Always carry a medi pack!


You get various different perks in the game such as the offensive which allow you to (review footage here) and the defensive which one of them allows you a second chance at life. Get ‘killed’ and then you stay on the ground for a while, shoot and kill a zombie and you get a second chance at life. You got lucky….only once though. Die again and that’s it you’re done. Sorry.

Finally you get ranked throughout the game, that’s throughout horde, campaign and weekly events. Increase your rank, increase your upgrade points to upgrade your guns, unlock various perks and then upgrade the perks as you rank up too!


The two campaign levels I played were very very good. The first level was ok, I see that more of a introductory level to how the game is and the game mechanics, as boy oh boy did things go up a notch in level 2. I was dying so much. My health was depleted and I had no midi-kits rookie mistake. So ended up just running away from them for the most part and then turning back to shoot the horde of Zombies chasing me.

The 2nd level had this crazy zombie shark too which was something to behold, although I didn’t want to wait around too long to see if it would come back and bite my ass.

The story is great and the characters keep you entertained and interested in where things are going throughout, definitely worth having a play through, especially with some friends!

Weekly Events

These are a beautiful twist on the Zombie Army 4: Dead War campaign. The weekly event that I played had various different tasks to complete. One of them was complete the first campaign level only using a rifle and a pistol. This made things very difficult! But I loved the twist on it and it brought an extra layer of replay-ability to it.

Just another way to keep things fresh and I loved it!

I’m really looking forward to the different weekly events that Rebellion are going to put on, I’ll definitely be keeping my eye on them as it keeps things fresh and alive – unlike most things in Zombie Army 4: Dead War.

Overall thoughts

In conclusion this game is TONS of fun, I mean I only played it briefly with 4 people and that was very enjoyable. Get 3 other friends involved and you got a party on your hands.

Zombie Army 4:Dead War is without doubt one of THE BEST zombie games I have played in YEARS! Hats off to rebellion for creating a stellar multiplayer game that doesn’t get stale or boring or repetitive. There’s a reason why Rebellion are renowned for creating great shooting games and great zombie games at that.

I really really enjoyed it and cannot wait to see how much I can upgrade my character and their weapons.

Gonna have to pick up a squad now and go kick some zombie ass!

Pick it up and play it for many many hour, you won’t regret it!

Listen to the guys chatting about this by clicking here!

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Zombie Army 4: Dead War Season 1

Zombie Army 4 : Dead War is out very very soon! In preparation for the release Rebellion have released a brand new trailer showcasing what’s coming up post game launch in season 1!

The trailer shows off the mini-campaign HELL CULT. Hell Cult will be 3 new missions for 1-4 players. It will also include new character packs, weapon bundles, weapon skins and character outfit bundles.

Rebellion have also promised to release 3 new maps for the Horde Mode. These maps will be absolutely FREE!

Season Pass 1 will grant access to the entirety of Season 1:

  • 3 new campaign missions
  • 4 character packs, featuring playable characters that can be used in any mode
  • 9 weapon bundles including new weapons, charms, skins and more
  • 5 weapon skin packs to customize your arsenal with
  • 4 character outfit bundles, featuring new outfits and hats!

Zombie Army 4: Dead War

Hitler’s hoards are back and they want to cause just as much havoc! Take on the Zombie hoard with some pretty epic weapons (flamethrower anyone?) whilst taking on a brand new harrowing and spin chilling campaign in 1940’s Europe. As you fight to save humankind from the undead Armageddon!

Zombie Hitler may have been defeated and cast to the depths of hell. However he has risen once again and this time he’s hungrier! You can continue the alternate history of the Zombie Army Trilogy in huge new levels. Uncover Zombie Hitler’s sinister plan which takes players across Italy and beyond! The fight takes place in corpse riddled canals, Zombie Zoos and other inexplicable places!

The Horde Mode has been expanded and made bigger and better. How I hear you ask? Well the longer you surive the bigger the map gets!

The famous X-Ray Kill Camera returns! Watch in gory slow motion as the bullets and bombs destroy bones in X-Ray!


Build up your character that suits how you play. For example you can become a guardian angel. This character will take damage for your teammates! You can even harness the power of fire, lightning and upgrade your guns at workbenches. As you can create some pretty out of this world guns. A pistol with a flaming bayonet or an assault rifle that shoots lightning!

Zombie Army 4: Dead War has some gnarly enemies, shadow demons, explosive suicide generals, hulking armoured elites and much more!

Zombie Army 4: Dead War looks very scary, crazy and a lot of lot of fun! We cannot wait to get our hands on the full game!

Purchase and Pre-Order by clicking here!

Zombie Army 4 launches on PS4, Xbox One and PC on February 4th.

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Zombie Army 4: Dead War – 101 Trailer

Rebellion have launched a brand new trailer for Zombie Army 4. It’s called the 101 trailer and it is hell raising! As it has over 6mins of brand new footage from the upcoming co-op shooters! If you know us by know you know we LOVE a co-op game! The 101 trailer features loads of new reveals, such as never before seen enemies and special abilities. Furthermore weapons, levels, locations and more of Horde Mode is shown! Also new details is given about the story campaign for 1-4 players, taking them to 1946 Italy and beyond. We also get a look at the game’s vast array of enemies, the player progression (which looks DEEP!) and customisation systems.

Zombie Army 4: Dead War

Hitler’s hoards are back and they want to cause just as much havoc! Take on the Zombie hoard with some pretty epic weapons (flamethrower anyone?) whilst taking on a brand new harrowing and spin chilling campaign in 1940’s Europe. As you fight to save humankind from the undead Armageddon!

Zombie Hitler may have been defeated and cast to the depths of hell. However he has risen once again and this time he’s hungrier! You can continue the alternate history of the Zombie Army Trilogy in huge new levels. Uncover Zombie Hitler’s sinister plan which takes players across Italy and beyond! The fight takes place in corpse riddled canals, Zombie Zoos and other inexplicable places!

The Horde Mode has been expanded and made bigger and better. How I hear you ask? Well the longer you surive the bigger the map gets!

The famous X-Ray Kill Camera returns! Watch in gory slow motion as the bullets and bombs destroy bones in X-Ray!


Build up your character that suits how you play. For example you can become a guardian angel. This character will take damage for your teammates! You can even harness the power of fire, lightning and upgrade your guns at workbenches. As you can create some pretty out of this world guns. A pistol with a flaming bayonet or an assault rifle that shoots lightning!

Zombie Army 4: Dead War has some gnarly enemies, shadow demons, explosive suicide generals, hulking armoured elites and much more!

Zombie Army 4: Dead War looks very scary, crazy and a lot of lot of fun! We cannot wait to get our hands on the full game!

Purchase and Pre-Order by clicking here!

Zombie Army 4 launches on PS4, Xbox One and PC on February 4th.

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Which Joker Has Committed the Most Crimes?




The Rap Sheet of Every Joker to Ever Appear on the Big Screen

Joker has a pretty bad history when it comes to committing crimes. Heath Ledger’s portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight is the most violent Joker in cinema history. As he racked up over 30 counts of first-degree murder, five counts of attempted murder, armed robbery, and an additional 16 other serious crimes!

Heath Ledger’s Joker would serve a total of 2,445 years in the US, and 574 years in the UK! Therefore making him the worst criminal incarnation of the Joker in the franchises history!

While Cesar Romero’s Joker in the 1966 Batman film would recieve the shortest prison sentence of them all. With just 314 years served. While the bulk of that sentence would come from 15 counts of kidnapping. Consequently serving 225 years for those crimes alone.

So, to view the full set of crimes committed by each Joker in cinema history, check out the image below!

For more information, including the deadliest Batman in history, please click here!


For the UK statistics, the prison sentences for each character were calculated using mandatory sentencing guidelines published by The Crown Prosecution Service and The Sentencing Council for England and Wales.

For the US figures, the sentences were calculated using information from FindLaw.com. Crimes which were committed at a state, rather than federal level, were judged according to New York state law.

For serious crimes, we’ve assumed the Joker will serve consecutive sentences, i.e. 15 counts of X crime at 10 years each would be 150 years served.    

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Joker – 8 min Standing Ovation and Warnings


Joker Praise and Criticism

So, Joker has been getting some rave reviews from critics at the Venice film festival. With reports stating that the Joker has received an EIGHT MINUTE standing ovation.

“This is Phoenix’s film,” declared The Hollywood Reporter, “and he inhabits it with an insanity by turns pitiful and fearsome in an out-there performance that’s no laughing matter.”

Furthermore, the The LA Times gave Joaquin Phoenix high praise for his performance stating he “delivers the kind of meticulously detailed psychotic breakdown that he does better than just about any American actor now working.”


Joker Criticism

While others are criticising the film for glorifying violence and the film should come with warnings for those who watch it.

The Independent are worried that toxic men will see the film and think: “There’s nothing wrong with me. There is beauty in my chaos. I am the chaos. I am the beauty. The ends justify the means.”

Furthermore, others see the film as mirroring real life mass murderers.  The Telegraph: “a movie about a mentally ill loner who triggers mass violence is likely to draw parallels with the recent shootings in America”.

As, The Playlist echos many feelings that the film bolsters the angry white man ethos: “You see clearly how easily it could be (mis)interpreted and co-opted by the very 4Chan/Incel/’mentally ill loner’ element it purports to darkly satirise.”

(Radio Times)

See original article below:

There’s a FINAL trailer for the Joker movie has recently been released and it cements what we all believed before hand. It’s INCREDIBLE! This movie will definitely win some awards at the end of the year. It will become a one of the best DC movies to date. It’s Dark. Gritty. Gruesome and fantastic!

Joaquin Phoenix looks like he is going to be a stellar Joker. He has absolutely NAILED it. Cementing himself right up there with Heath Ledger and Jack Nicholson. His interpretation of the Joker feels and looks frightening, exciting and absolutely insane. Bat Sh*t Crazy if you must. The stuff of nightmares. We’re all in!


We’re really keen to see the origin Joker story we cannot wait for the full movie!

Director Todd Phillips’ “Joker” centers around the iconic arch nemesis and is an original, standalone fictional story not seen before on the big screen. Phillips’ exploration of Arthur Fleck, who is indelibly portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix, is of a man struggling to find his way in Gotham’s fractured society. A clown-for-hire by day, he aspires to be a stand-up comic at night…but finds the joke always seems to be on him. Caught in a cyclical existence between apathy and cruelty, Arthur makes one bad decision that brings about a chain reaction of escalating events in this gritty character study. (Warner Bros)

As you can tell we’re very excited by this movie and keep an eye on HowToKillAnHour.com.

So, listen to the guys chatting about this by clicking here!

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Joker | Final Trailer – Impressive


There’s a FINAL trailer for the Joker movie has recently been released and it cements what we all believed before hand. It’s INCREDIBLE! This movie will definitely win some awards at the end of the year. It will become a one of the best DC movies to date. It’s Dark. Gritty. Gruesome and fantastic!

Joaquin Phoenix looks like he is going to be a stellar Joker. He has absolutely NAILED it. Cementing himself right up there with Heath Ledger and Jack Nicholson. His interpretation of the Joker feels and looks frightening, exciting and absolutely insane. Bat Sh*t Crazy if you must. The stuff of nightmares. We’re all in!

Joker Plot

We’re really keen to see the origin Joker story we cannot wait for the full movie!

Director Todd Phillips’ “Joker” centers around the iconic arch nemesis and is an original, standalone fictional story not seen before on the big screen. Phillips’ exploration of Arthur Fleck, who is indelibly portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix, is of a man struggling to find his way in Gotham’s fractured society. A clown-for-hire by day, he aspires to be a stand-up comic at night…but finds the joke always seems to be on him. Caught in a cyclical existence between apathy and cruelty, Arthur makes one bad decision that brings about a chain reaction of escalating events in this gritty character study. (Warner Bros)

As you can tell we’re very excited by this movie and keep an eye on HowToKillAnHour.com.

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Blair Witch – THE GAME!

Blair Witch 2019 Gameplay Trailer

The gameplay trailer for Blair Witch The Game 2019 – Out on Xbox One and PC August 30th 2019Read more via the link in the first comment!

Posted by How To Kill an Hour on Wednesday, 31 July 2019


Blair Witch was first shown at E3 2019 by Microsoft and the game is inspired by the movie of the same name. It’s a story driven-psychological horror game. While fun, the game will study your reactions to fear and stress.

The gameplay trailer will give players an introduction to the canine Bullet. It will also look at the gameplay elements of the game. Looking at exploration, commands, combat and environmental interaction. Also we get a look at how players will interact with Bullet.


So, it’s 1996 and a young boy mysteriously disappears in the Black Hills Forest near Burkittsville, Maryland. You play as Ellis a former police office with a troubled past. Joining the search to find the lost boy. While the search starts off normally, it soon descends into a nightmare. Where you confront the Blair Witch, a mysterious force which haunts the woods!

  • It’s an original story based on Blair Witch from the makers of Layers of Fear
  • Navigate through the cursed forest. Which warps and distorts time and space.
  • Take on the Blair Witch, whilst being dragged down by your sanity.
  • How you react to danger and behave under pressure will ultimately teach you more about yourself.

Blair Witch is coming to the Xbox One family of devices including the Xbox One X and PC worldwide on August 30, 2019.

Follow Blair Witch Game:

Pre – Order by clicking here!

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