Tag Archive for: nintendo
Worth An Hour? – Team Sonic Racing
/in Entertainment/by billywright“Worth an Hour” is the feature where we take a look at your favourite games and ask “Are they work an hour of your time?” This week we are taking a look at “Team Sonic Racing” a kart racing game, based around everyone’s favourite hedgehog – Sonic! Which is playable in single player or local and online multiplayer.
Team Sonic Racing: Features
You control one of 15 playable characters racing in an array of different courses using various different karts. These karts are locked to your character of choice and vary between each of the different characters. Not just in the way that they look but in the way that they handle, the way that they accelerate, the amount of top speed they have and how much that they can boost. Plus many other attributes! Each racer is either a Speed racer, a technique based racer or a power focused racer. Each type has their own unique skills. Which consequently will give them both advantages and disadvantages over the other competitors.
You race from a third person perspective and can perform a variety of tricks when in the air to gain boost. Other ways of gaining boost are drifting and you can also utilise a slingshot feature. Slingshot is where racers sit inside their teammates slip stream, do this for long enough and you can gain boost. Come outside of the slip stream and you are slingshoted!
Much like in other kart racing games there are power ups and weapons. These are called Wisps and range from ghost where you are unable to be hit, cube, where you can lay down a big rock to prevent other racers from getting by and rockets, among many others.
Power – Ups
There are LOADS of different power ups and weapons. Way too many to list, there are so many different ones that you can utilise during a race. Which makes it all that much more fun trying to use one that you haven’t used before. Plus if you find one that you don’t like or particularly want you can press circle to give it to a team mate. In a spot of bother and need some help. No worries, push circle when you aren’t holding a power and a team mate will give you one! What a great feature!
Again, like the power ups, there are loads of races and I mean LOADS! I got to take a go on Single Race, Grand Prix, Survival Mode, Daredevil and Ring Challenge, which all are a lot of fun. Especially ring challenge, you always find yourself trying to get more and more rings! At the end of each eace you get credits, these credits you can use to purchase things called “Mod Pods” these mod pods are like loot boxes. Inside these loot boxes are various things to modify your vehicles.
Racing Types
You can either race as a single racer or as a team! Teams are split into 3 racers per team, which separates it from other racers is that it focuses on cooperative gameplay. Win races though efficiency and teamwork. How? Well you get points based on well you work with your team. Even though speed isn’t a main reason for winning, your position at the end of the race still comes into play. So, the better the position of your teammates, the more chance you have of winning. Consequently, the team with the most points at the end wins!
As you progress through the levels, the amount of opponents increases, the first level you get 1 opposing team, 2nd world, you get 2 teams, 3rd world, 3 teams and so on. It got quite hectic from the 3rd level onwards! Loads of fun!
As you progress through the worlds there are a series of challenges that you have to complete in each of the races to collect stars. In some races you have to get keys too which unlock various items for you. what I especially liked is that if you’re struggling there is a Tips Page which gives you a run down of everything. Very handy that!
Finally, there are three different racing difficulties, normal which is well normal, hard which is really hard. I’m quite a seasoned gamer and even I found it difficult, lord knows what “expert” is like!
Team Sonic Racing: Worth An Hour?
Overall this game is a lot of fun and definitely hours can be killed playing this one. Grab a few friends, team up and race!
So why not, purchase Team Sonic Racing by clicking here!
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New Team Sonic Racing Gameplay Trailer Released
/in Entertainment/by billywrightSEGA Unveils New Footage for Team Sonic Racing
Sega have shown off a brand new trailer for fans of Team Sonic Racing. In this trailer there’s some incredible gameplay footage for this incredible arcade game. We think that this game looks amazing and we cannot wait to get our hands on it ourselves! The highly anticipated team-based racing game is out on May 21st 2019. If this trailer is anything to go by the arcade style racer is set to be a smash hit!
Team Sonic Racing Features
Team Sonic Racing, developed by Sumo Digital is a fast paced, arcade racing game. While, it’s highly competitive and is fun for people of all ages, it features many of your favourite characters from the Sonic Universe. It’s not all solo racing either! Team up and win in the co-op mode, both locally and online. Furthermore players can utilise the dynamic team mechanics and vehicle customisation features to help them along the way. You don’t have long to wait either, Team Sonic Racing is due for release on May 21st across all major platforms!
Appearing in Stores May 21, 2019
Pre-Order Team Sonic Racing here!
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Is FIFA The Greatest Sports Video Game Ever Made?
/in Entertainment/by marcusbronzyUnless you have been living under a rock for the past decade or two, you can’t have failed to notice the domination of the FIFA franchise when it comes to soccer video games. From the lowly Nintendo 64 all the way up to the exquisite Xbox with its online gaming, FIFA has been the stalwart of sports gameplay. But is it the best ever? There have been plenty of games that have emerged in the meantime, with basketball, ice hockey, the Olympics, and tennis all making a play for the best sports video game. Even Mario has tried to muscle in on the sports video game action. So which is the best? Let’s take a look.
The FIFA video games are epic. Every year the new season is released, players choose to camp outside stores to be the first to experience the enhanced ball control, less clunky graphics and momentous gameplay. With the recent explosion of online gameplay, the game has taken on a whole new dimension. While watching the replays of Ronaldinho’s free kicks was the highlight of FIFA 07, now you can click here to purchase FIFA coins, play against individuals from across the globe, and even manage your favorite teams, heading to the transfer market and perfecting your dream team. You can play in a league, you can venture to the World Cup or you can just have a kickabout. An awesome game!
NBA Street
For the ultimate in fun gameplay, NBA Street takes some beating. With quirky characters, a cartoon style graphic and smooth gameplay, the flexibility of this basketball game meant that you really had to learn the expert moves to get your slam dunks flowing. Three pointers were hard to come by, but if you managed to unlock Stretch, your team would be enhanced to the point where his afro could boost the morale of your team. The moves were cool, the soundtrack was epic, and you would spend your youth trying to perfect the dribble techniques in your back garden. This is an experience for those who yearn for a simpler and more straightforward fun sort of game.
SSX Tricky
Snowboarding had never been so cool in 2001. The winter sport phenomenon was just taking off, and salopettes were being replaced with cooler winter gear. SSX Tricky allowed you to choose your character and embark on a race or a simple trick practice course. Accruing points gave you the gameplay buzz you needed with jumps, flips and spins creating epic moves on the powder. If you enjoy bright graphics, and a simple formula for fun, SSX Tricky was your sort of game.
Punch Out
No sports game list would be complete without a clunky classic from Nintendo. This boxing game was ridiculously simple and a bit of a free for all hitting the A button on your NES control pad as fast as you could, but it was great family fun. The Indian boxer had a tiger as a coach, so the game wasn’t hugely politically correct. But it was of its time and a huge forerunner to the boxing games of the twenty first century.
FIFA probably has the edge over its rivals, purely for longevity if nothing else, but there are plenty of epic sports video games worthy of a replay.
Google Stadia: Netflix of Gaming?
/in Gadgets / Tech/by billywrightGoogle have announced an unveiled a brand new gaming platform. Which is very different to what Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are offering right now. It’s called Stadia and the games will be streamed to you via an internet browser. Which are said to be better than console quality! Stadia is said to work on existing desktops, laptops, tv’s and phones, said Phil Harrison VP and general manager of Google. Even the least powerful of PC’s can run Stadia!
The tech giant also revealed a controller for Stadia. It looks much like a regular console controller. Though it also has a Google Assistant button and a capture button to capture gaming and directly put it on YouTube.
ID Software announced that Doom Eternal will be one of the first games on launch. Which will be in 2019 in the US, Canada, UK and Europe. Exactly when that is in 2019 is unknown. No pricing was announced either.
Stadia: How?
How can even smartphones, TV’s and not so powerful PC’s play these top end games? Well, because the games run elsewhere on Google’s own high end hardware. You connect to it via the internet, the hardware then does all the hard work and sends you a video feed of what you are playing back to you. Essentially.
However, other services such as ‘OnLive’ which tried this back in the day (2010-2015) and Nvidia’s GeForce Now where some have encountered lag. They suffered due to the difficulty of offering high end games via an internet connection. But the question remains is it their end or is it the consumers own internet?
Lag: A delay between an action being performed on a controller or keyboard and the action being replicated on screen.
Google have said that the controller will connect to the internet directly. Which will then communicate with their servers which will reduce the amount of lag that players may encounter.
Impressively (if they pull this off) Google will be able to offer games at 4K at 60FPS and up to 8K 120FPS in the future. (Who needs 8K?!?) The Stadia is also insanely powerful with a GPU of 10.7 GPU teraflops while Xbox One X the worlds most powerful console has 6 GPU teraflops and the PS4 pro has 4.2 GPU teraflops. Basically, it’s very very good.
Google Stadia: We have some questions.
All very impressive indeed although we have some questions:
- Are the games like Netflix: Pay to play many games for 1 subscription fee
- Or we have to buy our own games?
- Can we download our games to play them offline?
- How does multiplayer work?
- Are the multiplayer lobbies/parties
- Is there protection from hacking?
- What happens when the internet goes down?
- How will my games me kept secure
- How many games are available?
- Will all the AAA games be available at launch
- Will the footage be flagged for copyright from Stadia’s own capture system from YouTube’s Copyright flagging software?
But most of all, how laggy will it be? People’s internet will need to be able to cope with the game, if there’s the slightest bit of lag it will put gamers off. Coupled with multiplayer games, if there’s double the lag, people will not want to use the service.
It’s an interesting time to be a gamer certainly as Microsoft have their cloud service in the works too with ‘Xcloud’ so is this the way gaming is heading or will it supplement good ol’ physical disks or downloads.
Whose Team Are You On?
/in Entertainment/by marcusbronzyIt’s time to get to the bottom of a debate that’s been raging since the beginning of time. When we say time, we mean about the last 20 years, but a while, nevertheless.
In the battle of the games consoles are you team XBox or team PlayStation? Let’s delve into both and pick a side. There are plenty of opinions on either side about what offers the best value for money and where the best gaming experience lies but you can only choose one side in the long run.
Xbox All The Way
More specifically the Xbox One. The beauty of this particular console is that you can play games from way back when. Unlike the PlayStation, which has zero compatibility, you can dig out your old Halo game and play it on the latest model, no problem. These old favourites are part of the reason people are so loyal to the brand.
The other reason is its multi functionality. Yes, you can stream Netflix and Spotify it and more. It’s just so much more than a gaming device and gives you great value for money. You don’t need to spend your money looking for new games or parts, like a car enthusiast looking for vauxhall breakers, it just lasts and lasts. A classic every time.
But PlayStation?
Has so much to offer. Yes, it might not have all the capabilities of the Xbox One but when it comes to actual game play this is head and shoulders above the rest. You want the best games, the best graphics and the most exhilarating gaming experiences? You get a PlayStation4.
These games, such as Marvel’s Spider Man and other classics keep PlayStation fans snapping up the latest offerings. It’s a shame that you can’t play games from older models on the latest PS, but hey, you’d completed them anyway right?
So, who wins in this battle of the tech giants? If we look at other factors such as price, then both come in at around the same amount, so it comes down to what your personal tastes are. You can’t deny that the PlayStation4 nails the game play aspect with outstanding, exclusive games. It’s focused in on this aspect and pulled it off with aplomb.
XBox One, however, offers so much more than just game play and fits into a family home so easily and usefully. It simply offers more features for the same money but does compromise on game exclusivity. That doesn’t matter too much though, bearing in mind your back catalogue is still relevant.
It’s a tough one and not something can be decided easily. True gamers will almost certainly go down the PlayStation route while those looking for a bit more bang for their buck will go Team XBox. With the promise of bigger and better developments from both these giants over the coming months, we may need to revisit our decisions again but for now, pick a team and enjoy killing an hour or two on this fantastic technology.
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
/in Entertainment/by billywrightIt’s coming up to the holiday season time of the year and for all the gamers out there, they know what that means! HEAVY HITTER and AAA game releases! We’ve already had some killer titles in Red Dead Redemption 2, Fifa 19, Call of Duty Black Ops 4 and the Switch has not been left behind. In what is one of the most anticipated games for the Nintendo Switch since it was released, will it make it’s way to the Switch, won’t it make it’s way to the Switch? Well, your questions have been answered and Super Smash Bros Ultimate is the Switch’s version of Super Smash Bros and it’s out NOW!
We’re massive fans of Nintendo and their numerous franchises and we really love one of the Switch’s AAA title releases, Super Smash Bros Ultimate! While it’s not only an incredible fighting game, it features all of our favourite characters in it! 70 playable characters is an insane amount! Consequently we don’t think we’ll ever get bored! Including:
- Mario
- Donkey Kong
- Link
- Yoshi
- Samus
- Pikachu
- Fox
- Bowser
- Ryu
- Mega Man
That’s only 10 and we’re already super pumped to unlock all of them! To read more about the fighters click here!
While, we’re a huge champion of multiplayer games and the Super Smash Bros franchise is a perfect example of the genre, a definite ‘go to’ at parties! The fast paced nature of the game and with over 100 different stages to fight on in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Some with shape shifting stages and stage hazards too! Therefore we believe that Super Smash Bros Ultimate will be named one of the multiplayer games of the year! Are you a music fan? Well, there are up to 800 different tracks in the game! So you won’t get bored hearing the same game track over and over again. Definitely something that we’re interested in hearing here at How To Kill An Hour!
To purchase Super Smash Bros Ultimate please click here!
Furthermore, keep up to date with everything How To Kill An Hour by signing up to our newsletter by clicking here!
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12 Days of Christmas Gadgets Gift Guide
/in Entertainment/by billywrightIt’s that time of year again! Here are some of the best pieces of tech that we think will be perfect as Christmas Gadget stocking fillers! Furthermore, once you’ve finished, let us know any that you think we missed!
Sky Soundbox
The Sky Soundbox is the piece of audio hardware to revolutionise your tv viewing experience! It’s the perfect piece of tech to compliment your Sky Q package.
Sky partnered with Devialet, who are one of the most innovative names in audio to bring you the Sky Soundbox. Combining the power of Sky Tv intelligence with Devialet’s incredible, groundbreaking acoustic technology. Together with Sky Q the Soundbox delivers crisp, crystal clear bespoke sound across all of the content you love. Sports, Music, Cinema, it can handle it and produce the very best audio experience to compliment the very best visual experience with Sky Q. (Read More) (Purchase)
Red Dead Redemption 2
Rockstar games always knock it out of the park when it comes to games, Grand Theft Auto is what they are most known for, however when Red Dead Redemption came out in 2010, it changed the game! Everyone has always wanted to be a cow-boy and Rockstar made everyone’s dream come true! Now, 8 years later, Rockstar are revisiting the Red Dead universe in Red Dead Redemption 2. With over $725 million in worldwide retail sell-through during its first three days, Red Dead Redemption 2 is the second-highest grossing entertainment launch of all time next to Rockstar Games’ previously released title, Grand Theft Auto V, which achieved over $1 billion in retail sell-through in three daysNo one would be disappointed with this in their stocking! (Read More) (Purchase)
Marvel’s Spiderman
Marvel’s Spiderman, is an incredible game and one for the stocking this year. We loved it at E3 and we fell in love with it when we played it ourselves upon release. Definitely will not disappoint a PS4 owning loved one! Spiderman is an action and adventure open world game exclusive to PS4. The gameplay trailer that was shown off this year did not disappoint. It looks just like a movie and the devs over at Insomniac have done a wonderful job of seamlessly transitioning between gameplay and cutscenes. (Read More) (Purchase)
Strange Brigade
Another incredible game that would be perfect for stockings this year is Strange Brigade. This game is fun, fun, fuuuuun!! It’s very enjoyable by yourself defeating hordes of the undead. However, get a crew together and this levels of excitement and enjoyment go through the roof!
From the very start Strange Brigade is very charming with it’s friendly narrator (with his over the top British upper class dialect) and it’s 1930’s setting. The graphics draw you in to a world that is full of might magic and mystery. Yet at the same time having an underlying notion of danger when the undead appear. You know you’re in danger! Yet the locations are so pretty!
What makes Strange Brigade different to many other co-op games available today is that the levels and the game will change slightly depending on the numbers in your team. More enemies, lots of twists and turns with the levels and even the puzzles take it up a notch if you have a friend with you. (Read More) (Purchase)
Nintendo Labo
The Nintendo Labo is great for all the creatives in your life that love video games! The Labo is a cardboard video game! Sound crazy?! Well, it is designed to help you get creative with the Switch. Create all different kinds of gaming add ons with the variety kits that are available. Such as fishing kits, play piano or even the most impressive one that we have seen an AR Robot kit!
Nintendo are calling the cardboard kits, ‘Toy-Cons’ and are designed to be solely used with the Nintendo Switch. Just by following the onscreen instructions that are displayed on the Switches touchscreen.
The Toy-Cons are so versatile that you can either use the Toy-Cons independently of the screen itself and you watch what’s occuring on screen. I.e: Fishing. Where all the computing is done inside the joy-con controller, or by using the whole console itself to find new ways to play! An example of this would be the use of a motorbike, whereby the switch is placed in the center of the ‘Toy-Cons’ and ‘Joy-Cons’ are placed either side and the accelerometer acts as a steering mechanism.
The most impressive of the lot was the use of a HUGE contraption, with the Robot ‘Toy-Con’. This cardboard accessory is HUGE and is placed on a users back and utilises cables to detect a users movement. (Read More) (Purchase)
Turtle Beach Elite Pro 2 + SuperAmp

Turtle Beach Elite Pro 2
After all that gaming, you’re going to need a great piece of tech to talk to all those people online! The Turtle Beach Elite Pro 2 + SuperAmp, is THE gaming headphones for you this Christmas. Are you ready to get an advantage over your gaming competitors? Turtle Beach have announced something that may just help you do that. The Turtle Beach Elite Pro 2 + Super Amp gives users powerful amplified professional grade sound, unmatched comfort and app based controls to their audio. The Turtle Beach Elite Pro 2 headset has top level audio and is driven by their own E-Sports tuned 50mm Nanoclear speakers. The microphone on the Turtle Beach Elite Pro 2 is highly sensitive and is noise cancelling for crystal clear communication. The SuperAmp adds a brand new way for players to control audio. The one dialled design brings powerful amplified Windows Sonic for Headphones surround sound. It even adds DTS Headphone:X 7.1 surround sound capabilities! (Read More) (Purchase)
Seagate Game Drive
Over Christmas you’re going to probably get a couple more games in your stockings! You’re going to need more storage space, as no one likes to delete stuff! We have the solution for you!
Well there’s a plethora of choices available for external hard drives and we’ve found an incredible one! The Seagate Game Drive for PS4, it comes with a whopping 4TB of storage which allows for 100games! Installation is pain free and super quick. Simply plug in the Seagate Game Drive directly into any USB port on the PS4 and boom, you’re good to go. The PS4 will recognise the drive and walk you through a simple set up. The Seagate Game Drive will be ready to have games installed on it within 3 minutes! (Read More) (Purchase)
DJI Mavic 2
The Mavic Pro 2 is an incredible piece of tech and is a perfect gift for the filmmakers in your life. It even comes in two configurations! Firstly the Mavic 2 Pro: Made in Sweden, Hasselblad cameras are renowned for their iconic ergonomic design, uncompromising image quality, and Swedish craftsmanship. Since 1941, Hasselblad cameras have captured some of the world’s most iconic images – including the first moon landing.
Co-engineered in partnership with Hasselblad after two years of tireless research, the Mavic 2 Pro comes equipped with the all-new Hasselblad L1D-20c camera. The L1D-20c possesses Hasselblad’s unique Hasselblad Natural Colour Solution (HNCS) technology, helping users to capture gorgeous 20-megapixel aerial shots in stunning color detail.
Also the DJI Mavic 2 comes in a different configuration: The Mavic 2 Zoom. Powered by a 1/2.3-inch 12-megapixel sensor with up to 4x zoom, including a 2x optical zoom (24–48 mm), the Mavic 2 Zoom is all about dynamic perspectives. Capture everything from wide angle to mid-range shots for even more creative options. (Read More) (Purchase)
The Mikme Microphone, is a perfect stocking filler for all the content creators and audio geeks out there! A supremely powerful microphone that boasts studio quality sound. From experience, we can tell you first hand that this microphone, really does produce some amazing sound quality! Consequently, in a tiny package too, we were seriously impressed when we reviewed this awesome little device! It’s touted as the world’s first wireless mircrophone and audio recorder in one. Simply press the button and voila, you’re recording. While you’ll need a smartphone to connect it to, to monitor what you’re recording, but other than that, you’re set! However, that’s no stress either! Simply connect your headphones to the Mikme to the reverse of the device to listen to the crispy clear audio! (Read More) (Purchase)
Philips One Blade Body Edition

Philips OneBlade
This piece of tech is perfect for all those wanting to look crisp and clean this holiday season. The Philips OneBlade does everything that the original OneBlade did previously. You can trim your beard with one of the three stubble comes, which come in a variety of lengths. There’s 1mm, 3mm and 5mm. However, the OneBlade now comes with a body comb, which is 3mm, which you can use in any direction.
As the OneBlade does not shave like a regular shaver, i.e. getting really close. You’re able to use this to your advantage and go against the grain and easily shave off any length of any hair from any part of your body! Remember to change the blade though! There’s one for the body and one for the face! (Read More) (Purchase)
Astro Bot: Rescue Mission
We recently played this on How To Kill An Hour’s Twitch Stream and it was incredibly fun! It’s a pick up and play game that is perfect for the family and definitely makes use of the VR in a wonderful way. It’s perfect for all the family on Christmas Day and will keep everyone entertained for hours!
Astro Bot: Rescue Mission VR is an incredible virtual reality platformer that’s exclusively created for the Playstation VR. In the game you take control of a character called Astro, the captain of a spaceship traveling search for his lost crew.
Astro Bot: Rescue Mission VR takes gamers across 26 levels that take the platforming genre to brand new heights? Well, the game is across a 360 degree landscape. There are huge towering bosses but be careful as there are precise controls whilst you are Astro. Some of the levels are very challenging so make sure that you use all 360 degree’s of vision otherwise you’ll miss things! Therefore it is vital that you use your entire body to “look” around corners as there may be things that you miss. Consequently there may be paths that you are able to create for Astro to climb. (Read More) (Purchase) (Purchase Playstation VR)
Anvio VR
VR has been HUGE this year, so why not fill up the stockings of loved ones with tickets to Anvio VR in London!? Unlike a lot of VR games or events this is an experience in which you’re allowed to play! Hence why they’re describing it as a playground! What we mean by play is that you’re free to move around. As you’re not confined to a small play area. So you get to run around a HUGE room and experience, quite literally, a whole new world!
In the worlds that Anvio VR have created you can run, jump and even wave to your partners whilst in the game, all that and much much more! Their play area is also fully wirless so there’s no worry about running into a wall or falling over wires. Thus creating a much more realistic and immersive experience. Also, there’s guides in the room, who are there to help prevent you from crashing into any walls, if you do manage to find your way to a wall that is! (Read More) (Purchase)
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Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
/in Entertainment/by billywrightMonster Hunter Generations Ultimate: Defeat Monsters on the move!
Monster Hunter is one of Capcom’s biggest selling franchises to date recently reaching the heights of 10million copies of Monster Hunter games being sold world wide. Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate continues this trend on the switch. It’s Monster Hunter. But on the Switch. So expect big monsters on your small Switch. However, don’t fret, as with all Monster Hunter games you’ll have so much fun hunting down these terrible, gruesome monsters!
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is an updated version of it’s 3DS title of the same name (minus the Ultimate). Yet it’s still just as exciting as it first was on the 3DS. Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate has added better graphics (obviously!) the control scheme and added a bunch new monsters! 20 more to be exact, bringing the total for you to defeat to 93! NINETY THREE! That’s going to take a lot of hours to kill to defeat those!
Gameplay, like with most Monster Hunter Games is simple yet addictive. Find a Monster. Kill it. Then use the materials gathered from said Monster to harvest a bigger and better inventory. Such as upgrading weapons and the armour. Consequently this will help to kill a bigger and badder monster. Thus repeat cycle until you become the best monster hunters in the land. Complete a range of quests that are given to you by a village elder, though there is no explicit time limit to do them in. You are going to be pretty busy preying on some pretty huge bogeys to be fair. (Though we think the fighting of monsters is a lot more fun! Especially with friends!)
It can take a lot of time and effort to defeat a range of monsters in the single player mode. So there is an option to play with friends. Joining a multiplayer game is very easy just search the available hubs and join on to take on monsters in a crew! The most annoying part of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is that there is no way to chat to the people you play with. Though this is a Switch problem and not Capcom’s. Why Nintendo? WHY?! Despite this, as expected it’s a lot fun!
Overall Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is a very enjoyable experience, which you will not be disappointed with!
Purchase Monster Hunter Generations by clicking here!
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Hands On with Nintendo Labo
/in Entertainment/by billywrightWe got a chance to play with Nintendo’s latest creation: Nintendo Labo! It’s a brand new way to interact with the Switch and it’s with something you’d have never thought was possible. You interact with the Nintendo Switch console with cardboard. The cardboard is customisable and you create differing designs, which Nintendo are calling ‘Toy-Cons”
We got a chance to take two of the differing editions of the Nintendo Labo, the Variety kit, which has things like fishing rod, motorbike handles and a piano more on that below!
Nintendo labo: Robot
We also got a chance to use the larger build of the two, a HUGE backpack which turned us into a Robot! The Robot is a backpack that utilises (cardboard) weights and cables to detect a users movement. In the game, you are a robot, which literally travels around a level and destroys stuff. Buildings, spaceships, cars, anything! You name it you can destroy it! Better yet, if you crouch down you transform into a car which has zappers on it to do your destroying for you! Want to fly? Well you can, simply move your arms to the side and your robot takes to the skies! Simply land on anything and punch downwards to destroy and gain as many points as you can!
The Toy Con’s both the Variety version and the Robot pack are going to be a hit with a young audience, they certainly made an impression on us! Simply because it was the element of building our own accessories which made us feel accomplished once we finished building and began to play! Even if the Robot one did take 3 hours it was 3 hours well spent!
Nintendo Labo: Variety Kit
So the Variety Kit, we had a go on three different games, the Motorbike game, Fishing and a party type game with the Toy Con House! We loved the Motorbike game, we all had a lot of fun whizzing around the various amounts of tracks available to you. All differing in difficulty, so if you get really good, give the difficult level a go! We were popping wheelies all over the track, everyone ate our dust! We tried the fishing game, which was fun, but we were a little disappointed that every time we tried to catch a big fish, the line broke! Maybe we should work on our fishing skills. Finally we took on the variety game with the “Toy Con House”. In this game, we’ll be honest, we were a little confused at first.
However, once we got it underway we had a lot of fun bowling, Nick wouldn’t put it down until he got a stirke!! We also loved the main screen where the ‘home’ had differing interactions each time you put the different accessories in it. For example the house ‘keys’ started different games and changed the time of day. Whereas the attachment with the strings made it into a ‘Portal’ esque type environment. Overall the Nintendo Labo Toy Con 1: Variety Kit was a lot of fun! We can’t wait to put the Piano together and make a hit tune!
Listen to Nick Bright’s thoughts on this when he took it for a spin here!
Purchase Nintendo Labo here:
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